Burt's 2005 Visit to France


I made it to the finish line before Lance Armstrong.

Unlike Paris there are signs that you better use a sack to pick up your doggies deposit.

I think the sign above refers to this dog.

Several vendors had their own booth but this guy was the most aggravating. He offered tee shirts but he basically made people beg for them. He would toss one out and watch people trample over one another to get one.

Big screen where they projected the winners

I thought this racer was wearing his pajamas but I later found out he was Erik Dekker of the Netherlands. The spotted shirt means he was best in some mountains. I somehow wandered into a restricted area to get this picture.

Apparently in this area they check the bikers for drugs.

Everyone was screaming for this runners autograph

They were really yelling for this guy's autograph, I thought he was a famous French sportscaster but he is the head of the Tour de France.

On the last night we ate in a cave, everyone loved the food but me. It is not that the food was bad, it was just not my choice, it does look like I finished my salad. I mentioned that nothing on the offering was to my taste so Jim passed it around and this is how the plate looked when everyone took what they liked.

Thanks to Jen's(from Vienna) mother for a really good picture of her. She is almost as pretty as the next girl below.

This is my daughter, Samantha who made this trip possible as she introduced me to traveling as I accompanied her to Baden, Austria in 2000. I took this picture in Switzerland. She sent me a big brownie dessert at the hotel in Caen.

Click to see Burt's other travels:


My RV trip across the USA



My trip to Egypt



My trip to Switzerland



My hiking trip to New Hampshire



My hiking trip to Vermont



My hiking trip in Arizona



My trip to Maine



My trip to France



My trip to Scandinavia



My trip to Nova Scotia



My trip to New York City



Austria, Germany, Hungry


Click here to see Burt's other  travels

     Send mail to burt2@rocketmail.com